The Truth About Permanent Nose Reshaping: An Expert's Perspective

Learn about the permanence of nose reshaping procedures from an expert plastic surgeon. Discover how Silikon-1000 microdroplet can provide long-lasting results and who is a suitable candidate for this non-surgical option.

The Truth About Permanent Nose Reshaping: An Expert's Perspective

As a plastic surgeon with years of experience, I have seen many patients come to me with concerns about the permanence of nose reshaping procedures. Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, is a surgical procedure that aims to alter the appearance or function of the nose. While it is considered a permanent solution, there are some cases where a revision may be necessary due to the healing process and individual factors. This can leave patients feeling dissatisfied with their results and wondering if their nose reshaping is truly permanent.

Let me assure you, when done correctly with the right materials, nose reshaping can be a permanent solution.

One such material that has been proven to be safe and effective for over 60 years is Silikon-1000 microdroplet.

This non-surgical option is an excellent example of the precision and permanence that can be achieved with the right technique and materials. However, it is important to note that not everyone is a suitable candidate for this type of procedure. Those with larger noses may not see the desired results as the permanent filler can increase the volume of the nose. Additionally, Silikon-1000 should not be seen as a substitute for traditional nasal surgery, but rather as an alternative for those with minor imperfections. The procedure itself involves reshaping and resizing the nose to better fit the patient's face and improve overall facial harmony. The best candidates for this procedure are those who are in good general health, over 15 years old, and have a fully developed nose.

The surgeon will make small incisions near the nostrils or at the base of the nose before sculpting it to achieve the desired shape and appearance. For many individuals, permanent non-surgical nose treatments are a great alternative to revision rhinoplasty, especially if there are no functional issues with the nose. Unlike temporary fillers, which are eventually absorbed by the body, Silikon-1000 provides long-lasting results. However, it is important to make an informed decision when considering any type of nose reshaping procedure. If a temporary filler is used, the nose will eventually return to its original appearance as the body digests the filler. If the final result of a permanent filler makes the nose appear larger, it may be a sign that it was not the right choice for that individual. The results of Silikon-1000 treatments are seen immediately, with some progression over several months as the medication is distributed in 2 or 3 sessions.

This means that patients can leave the office with a better nose than they had when they entered. It is no wonder that many people see this as an ideal alternative to traditional nasal surgery. This is particularly important for those who have had temporary fillers placed in their noses or are considering them. The outer part of the nose is evaluated by inspecting and palpating to check the strength of the cartilage and the mobility of the skin. This preview is crucial in determining if a permanent filler is the right choice for an individual.

Maxine Langella
Maxine Langella

Incurable social media evangelist. Unapologetic bacon evangelist. Unapologetic bacon trailblazer. Certified bacon fan. Proud tv geek.